You feel a strong urgent sense to run - what is it?
A strong urgent signal is usually what we would call gut instinct. The mind goes ‘offline’ as all the blood rushes into limbs to prepare for action. This is a primal survival mechanism. It’s accompanied by a heightened need to act immediately, perhaps fight, flight or freeze.
The duration of this feeling matters. Anxiety is essentially experienced as a prolonged gut feeling, it may loop over and over and over as the mind and body interract, feeling, thought, feeling ,thought. TOP TIP slow down the breathing here take a longer exhale than inhale and when you can, change the thought to a better feeling one
Intuition typically arises with an almost detached, neutral calm feeling. It pops up and fades away. It will repeat a few times sporadically. If you need to receive the message it will keep coming back until you do, but it won’t be a permanent presence of fear or anxiety
Think of your heart like the most powerful tap in existence
Open the heart to open the tap. Opening the heart is not complicated. It’s just not something most people are aware of. When you do what you EN-JOY you are IN- JOY - so ask yourself often…
“What would feel good in this moment?” and if you can’t find something to enjoy or be grateful for, can you at least accept the way you are feeling with self compassion? This can really help emotion to move through you
Do you reach for your phone and begin the doom scroll upon waking? No judgment, we all do it!
Do you roll out of bed on autopilot, groan your way to the shower thinking about your problems? Are you knee deep in tech, comparing your life, resenting a lack of freedom, wishing for a different reality as you eat your breakfast, still scrolling, wondering why you feel terrible?
What’s happening here?
Many behaviours arise from the subconscious. It doesn’t discriminate between what’s helpful & unhelpful to you, it simply delivers compulsively from its stored database
SUB (underneath) CONSCIOUS (awareness)
Many aspects of the day are wired in and you’re repeating them without realising. This may be creating suffering and discontent. The more you focus on them the more unhappy you feel. You can change this!
You operate from the subconscious 95% of the day
Holding a database of beliefs and stories, many outdated, the subconscious runs 'programs' for you whilst the mind is occupied. 95% of the time you’re just going through the motions…
Examples of programs: Brushing your teeth, walking to your local shop, reaching for the phone upon waking
This means only 5% of day you’re consciously choosing your focus
Perhaps you planned to exercise and prepare a healthy breakfast first thing. But if you're cruising on autopilot you'll probably end up repeating old patterns and if they don’t feel good you won’t either. This is how undesirable experiences, thoughts and feelings cycle repetitively
We are feeling beings, biologically rewarded for going towards what the subconscious deems beneficial (clue- this information may be outdated)
Start your day consciously. Interrupt existing patterns. Create new neural pathways. Make it hard to do undesirable things and easy to do desirable things. As you focus on what makes you happy you begin to perceive more to be happy about
Practical tips:
Put your gym kit where you’ll trip over it (I know someone who sleeps in their gym kit!)
Brush your teeth with the opposite hand to usual to make the action more conscious
Make boring activities 10% more enjoyable (play awesome music whilst you clean, eat a tasty snack whilst you do your accounts, listen to a podcast whilst you run)
Leave a sticky note on your bathroom mirror reminding you of your lovely qualities
Block social media until a time that suits you
Sleep with your phone in a different room & turn off notifications until it suits you
Self Awareness Tips
Notice how your morning focus impacts your start to the day.
With duties and obligations reframe "I have to" to "I get to" - because you always get to choose
Why do you accep unwanted invitations?
Monitor your habitual thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions
Hold compassion for yourself, you are doing your best
Forgiveness is not condoning attrocious acts. Forgiving does not make the other person right. It unburdens you as you observe the situation in a new way, promoting a growing sense of peace and calm
If you wish to release someone or something, perhaps an ex-partner you can’t stop thinking about, someone at work who drives you mad, or someone who couldn’t love you the way you needed to be loved, this is for you
This short powerful meditation hsa the potential to leave you feeling lighter and brighter as you are guided to offer forgiveness at a higher level and recognise the other as in need of love.
Mentally this lightens your load, severing the attachment to the pervasive thought loop. You deserve the peace
The crows joined in with this one! It was recorded in India. Crows represent the afterlife, wisdom, intelligence, adaptability, prescience, fortune, destiny, transformation, and the future. I see it as divinely perfect recognising they have their place in the recording
This guided journey speaks to the subconscious mind, offering a pathway to more relaxation, self confidence and ease
A snippet from Week 4 of the Self Mastery Journey
As we learn how to quiet the mind it becomes easier to access the inner wisdom. This widsom is always waiting to present itself, often beneath awareness
Guided journey to observe the thoughts, tuning into different parts of the body, practicing directing your attention, feeling for the life force, the subtle energy within and the energy field surrounding you in order to become more attuned